Thursday, April 05, 2012


I loved this young lady and her video. I urge you to listen to her. She makes a lot of sense and is coming from a different perspective.


John said...

This young lady rocks!!. It makes
me hopeful for the future of the republic when we have young people
like this who brings it.

TF said...

interesting vid

What I'd like to know is what tiny bubble of society supposedly taught her that crap about "male black bodies are a threat to her safety" and all that?

John said...

Well TF ...

If you would have listen to her??

She is talking about a society that tells her to fear black men
as a whole from the news,talk radio,Fox news. If you would have listen to her you also would have notice she was telling young activist to not just wear a t-shirt to show solidarity but to participate in the process and give a equal chance to folks that are marginized (and to make sure that thier voices are heard).

If you would have listen....

Anonymous said...

Two muffins are sitting in an oven, baking.
The first muffin looks over at the other and says, "Boy, it sure is hot in here."
The second muffin looks alarmed and shouts "OMG A TALKING MUFFIN!!!!"