Look at the differences in facial expressions in these above photos.
My words have proven so prophetic with this Paul McCartney divorce extortion scheme.
Now some people will say that I hate women and that I am just a mean person. Yeah whatever! For years I have advanced the idea of prenuptial agreements for men/women who want to protect their assets. I also said that this love crap does not work in divorce court because when you are mad at each other that,love shit goes flying out the window. Now it is lets hurt the other person time!
Also never believe a man or woman who say that your assets does not matter and they will not sign an agreement. And one more item who does the above really affect the majority of the time..................MEN! Okay the latest in this trainwreck is that Paul is going to lose half his fortune and will get ass-raped in court. Not to mention the fact that he is now being accused of beating now former wife Heather Mills. Now if he did indeed hit her then he needs to face the consequences of assault.
But the truth of the matter is that Pauls deserves everything he is getting and then some. Thats what he gets for falling in love and imagining constant bootie calls and ignoring marriage statistics. Plus it was reported that the model/activist (I hate pretentious activists)wanted to sign a prenup and he refused. Look here folks I do not care how good the sex is or how good she or he looks or even the sex skills that they possess. The point of the matter is protect your assets! Remember 70% of marriages FAIL while only 30% succeed.
What does that mean Big Ant...well let me paint the picture. If Paul found a beautiful car that had a 70% brake failure rate he would buy and drive it.
If Paul had heart surgery and the Doctor had a 70% failure rate of the patients dying...he would happily hop on that gurney. Now this might sound as if I am against marriage and I am ...at least the way it is practiced in this country. It is possible to find a woman who is not a scheming manipulative little criminal. Choose wisely.
You see Paul mistake was simple he listened to all of the marriage cultist around him that said "hey your in love, go for it you do not need an agreement when you are in love, plus if you love her you will not ask her to sign one." There is a name for people who do that.......BROKE! Paul here is what you do the next time you find yourself with that "all you need is love mentality". Remember just because a woman is beautiful or has a nice body or is a freak in bed or gives it to you good does not mean sign over your assets to her. Here is my formula for a good divorce or good union.
1.Find a good emotionally stable woman(hard to find but important).
2.Get to really know her and find out her attitudes about money. 3.Remember that just because she is a woman or man that you have to
automatically respect them. (Respect should be earned). 4
. If this union does come to marriage then whip out the airtight agreement
and have them read it and sign on the dotted line.(note: If they scoff and
refuse to sign it, then you tell them that its important to you. If they
repsond by saying if you love me then you would not ask them to sign it.
Then you tell them that this is not about love,this is about protecting
(your)ass in case(she)gets greedy later.If they respond back by saying, by
signing this document you have already have it in your mind that we will
not last. Quote the above marriage stats then you say, hey its just an
insurance policy, when I buy car insurance I do not have it in my mind
that I will wreck my car but it is great to have it just in case,don't you
think. If she will not sign it after that then dump her ass and keep
walking.) 5. Make sure she has as much as you do financially(think ahead here)Now
although there are exceptions they are just a few.
6.If she does sign it then you have a good woman and you shower her with all
the love and respect and affection you can muster.
7.If she refuses to sign it then politely tell her that please do not let the
door hit her in her ass on her way out. And do not be angry with her. There
are other women out there who you can have sex with and party with until
the next one comes along. Remember do not chase them just replace them.
Well I hope these maxims will help out whether you are a man or a woman.
If you do not follow these rules then you deserve to get whats coming to