Friday, September 22, 2006

Don't Believe The Hype!

Now come on is anybody really fooled by the price of gas dropping trick. Okay shit let me try it this way.
Okay wow is it not interesting to see how gas prices are plumetting.
Remember when we were told that its the inflation that causes gas prices to be high,and remember when I said that this is BS that is just another way for the oil companies to make money(indirect war tax). Well either inflation has went down ...or this is the price gouging being lowered for the republicans because its a... a... Damn what do they call that thing ...Oh yeah...... an ELECTION YEAR! See only in elections years do everything seem to be perfect. Gas will be lowered and people will be happy about that and forget how they got screwed at the pumps in those last years, its an election year Suckers and its payoff time and it just might work. Mark my words I have a psychic feeling about this. If the Republicans win those seats, gas will mysteriously go up! Ain't that a bitch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The realy ironic part of this fiasco is that since Regan shot down solar and failed to tax SUVs we have funded the 'other side' with our petro dollars and 'our side' with our tax dollars.