Did anyone catch Bobby Jindal(R-Slumdog governor). Boy he really sucked. Now keep in mind I actually like Jindal, but when you suck you suck. Plus, Bobby, the Katrina reference.....bad move buddy bad move. Now the funny part is how the GOP responded. These people claim that they believe in personal responsibility and all that other crap. But when the chips are down they never demonstrate or really mean those values. They have no credibility. Well, they all claim that since Obama is a master speaker that Jindal's speech paled in comparison....oh please you mean to tell me that if Obama had not spoken that Jindal would have came off great? These people love to make remarks about how Obama reads off prompter(who does not read off a prompter).
But meanwhile Bush mangled the language(you see they know they are full of shit and are liars but they are so dumb they do not know the rest of us are on to them yet.
All I know is that I would love to see Jindal/Palin.....The Slumdog governors 2012.