Sunday, August 01, 2010

Stop The Insanity!!

This is one of my favorite comedic pieces on religion by the great Bill Hicks. You see you get a lot of the bible thumpers trying to inflict the schools curriculum with this religious dogma. I am sure that these people mean well.But they want to try to weaken science by using religion. Also when they say that want creationism taught in school believe me when I tell you they only want their version. You do not teach creation with evolution no more than you would chemistry and Alchemy or Astrology with Astronomy. My favorite is the African god called Ta and he masturbated and ejaculated the universe.(real creation story)


Marcus said...

I like Doug Stanhope as well. Hope he stays alive like Carlin did and not burn out like so many other really greats.

B said...

I'm not sure that creationism and evolution are mutually exclusive.

Bible mp3:

Marcus said...

They are, Bruce. One is based on observable facts the other is based on make believe. You have chosen make believe , you are wasting the small amount of time you have. Reality must have little or no value to you, good luck with whatever it is you do value.

Anonymous said...

Hey B, the problem is that you are wrong...but leaving that aside is the fact that commies like the guy that runs this blogg have no trouble with government telling Religion what to do: guys like Marcus only believe that goverment knows best and that Religion should stay out of government.