I am so tired of these liars in the "coporate media" but the good thing about it is that these media monkeys are starting to see the Bushies for the incompetent f**ks they are. The decision to invade Iraq has made the world less safe. Look at the wreckage left behind by the bombing of those hotels in Jordan last week. The perpetrators were not hardened al Qaeda veterans who learned to fight
in the Hindu Kush by killing Russians on behalf of the Reagan administration. The perpetrators were all Iraqis.
Mr. Bush's misbegotten adventure in Iraq has left the nest, and is spreading out into the wider world. The decision by Bush to use wildly questionable sources in order to scare the American people into supporting
the war has been a great aid and comfort to those who now kill American soldiers so far from home.
In other words, did Bush do exactly, precisely what Osama bin Laden wanted him to?
There's no doubt that Bush handled all of this in exactly the wrong way.
After 9-11, love for America poured in from around the globe and Osama was universally hated.
Three years later, Osama and Al Qaeda are stronger than ever and America is universally despised.
Only one man had the power to make Osama a world player and Bush played his part perfectly,
this is if you're Osama trying to prove that America is a sex-obsessed land of Arab-hating torturers.
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