Monday, March 13, 2006

Holla back what?

Okay I am so annoyed at this new website called Now me of all people loves to appreciate a beautiful woman(hell I'm human) I am not ashamed of that! But this website is geared towards women who are so put off (puhleeze) that men will say something rude or catcall to them.. Like oh hi sexy or some crude remark. I mean come on ladies. News flash to the ladies who made this site up. I know that men can be rude sometimes,maybe the site has a point. But if men did not bother to cat call, you will start to get angry that men are not paying attention to you. You will cry and go on Oprah.I know women who would actually do that.
So ladies please stop pretending that this just so offends you that you can't function. Just get with the program and tell these men to shut up and go to hell. Oh yeah please be thankful that someone still finds you attractive to say anything at all. Lets just be honest about this if these guys looked like Denzel,Brad,Boris, or Blair Underwood we would have never heard of this site.This is some subjective crap!

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