Saturday, April 29, 2006

Prepared to get Snowed in!

I accidently erased the last entry so here it goes. The President using bad sophistry told america a lie. Concerning the big profits oil companies are making he actually said(I'm trying not to laugh as I write this) he will investigate the price gouging. Well here is whats going to happen. I doubt there will be an investigation and if there is, it will be a half assed almost non-existent attempt. I mean come on two oil shills investigating big oil. Yeah Right! Thats like O.J annoucing he will look for the killers. These people have no credibility on investigating or truth seeking(name one investigation they voluntarily cooperated with). We saw how the investigations in the past went(Plame,leaks, 911). These guys(President,Vice president)refused to swear in before testilying, I mean testifying before the 911 commission. Well I guess it was no surprise the latest Bush apologist whore, Oops! I mean press secretary is none other than Tony Snow Fox news henchman. Now remember when a Clinton staffer got a job At ABC news. The neo cons were fraught with indignations such as thats the liberal media for you. The Clinton administration is in bed with the media. Hmmmm. Why can't Fox news just admit that they are just an extension of the Bushies. I mean come on. Oh and just in case I forget, Darcy and I feel that Sean Hannity who is a Bush whore of the highest order got taken for a ride and he rightly deserved the job as liar I mean press secretary. Sorry Sean you kissed so much ass for Bush and spewed his policies and you did not get a dime for it. Unlike the other prostitutes like Armstrong Williams etc. Well Sean as you know the difference between a hooker and a whore is just the fee charged. Darcy and I feel your pain. You know when Bush gets an erection Sean Hannity grows taller.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The complete Independence video
