Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Coultergeist!

Yeah I know this picture is extreme but so is Coulter
Okay I know we all saw the Matt Lauer and the Tucker Carlson interview with Ann Coulter. I know that she upsets a lot of people with her comments. But you can't let people like Ann upset you. I watched the exchange between Ann and Lauer and I also give Carlson credit for calling her on her brutal invectives concerning the 9-11 widows. Here is what it boils down to. She is trying to sell her book. I have read her past books and those books do not make sense. When I see her, I see a very disturbed individual. Let me say that Coulter is just like O'Reilly, they build a "strawman"(liberal) and then attack it. You see, they could not attack what real liberalism is because then the world would see that they are full of it. You see, when Coulter uses words like "liberal infallibility" her red meat base will eat it up and start using the term to sound somewhat intelligent. But the truth is there is no such thing as "liberal infallibility" she made it up like she does everything else hence the "Strawman" effect. I will give you another example of her lies. You see Coulter is a pathological liar when she said that they are not allowed to respond to victims who criticize the president or republicans, well she implied this lie when she said to Matt Lauer, Coulter: "To speak out using the fact they are widows. This is the left’s doctrine of infallibility. If they have a point to make about the 9-11 commission, about how to fight the war on terrorism, how about sending in somebody we are allowed to respond to. No. No. No. We have to respond to someone who had a family member die. Because then if we respond, oh you are questioning their authenticity"

But here is the interesting part. There has not been not one time that Limbaugh. Malkin,Carlson,any myrmidon on Fox News, O'reilly,Drudge,Savage has not critcized Cindy Sheehan and the 9-11 widows, hell they do it all the time, so what in the hell is she talking about? Now Bill O'reilly has said she makes a point, but she only makes a point if no one on the right has criticized the people, but they have!

Ann Coulter is a liar and probably mentally ill because what other kind of person would behave in this fashion. Lets hope she takes her medicine.

1 comment:

The Goddess said...

What do you expect from the same woman that says whe wished Tim McVeigh would of blew up the New York Times building instead. I think she does it for attention, how on earth would she sell her books?