Sunday, June 04, 2006

Crooked is as Crooked does!

Well it seems that this democrat William Jefferson might have taken some money that he shouldn't have. I mean the authorities found ninety thousand dollars in foil in his freezer. Now either that money is illegal or thats his new piggy bank. If he is guilty then he needs to go to prison,. But here is the interesting part, he is being protected by all people the Republicans. Why? I'll tell you why,you see there is a federal investigation going on and the focus of this investigation are republicans! So they do not want the government violating their privacy. Hmmm lets see...its okay to conduct illegal wiretaps with out warrants and lets see you can start an illegal war with the wrong country on trumped up charges but you can not raid the offices of a crooked congressman because you would be violating his rights. What? Did I hear that right! Their rights, Bull! They are not above the law and this does not violate the constitution.

You see folks,in the seventies the Supreme decided that bribery was not part of the legislative process so lets go get these bastards!

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