(Originally titled; Sean Hannity Is A Trick Bitch!!) Sean Hannity(R-Insane Lying Whore)always likes to repeat this lie over and over again you know the lie...... "If the democrats were in power mass graves would still be filled and the rape and tortures rooms would still go on"....really dumbass let me count the ways. In 1988 Saddam gassed the Kurds and America sold him even more weapons of mass destruction Oh yeah by the way he threw the bodies in "MASS GRAVES" the same mass graves that he used as a lie Oops! I mean reason to go into the country to invade! America helped Saddam cover it up. Which could go to explain why Saddam is being charged with pre 1983-88 crimes and not anything having to do with 9-11(interesting). In 1983 he killed Iranians and Reagan sent Donald Rumsfeld to ensure Iraqi/American relations and of course we sold him more weapons(Anthony say it ain't so). Its so! So basically I am refuting Sean Hannity's ASSertions to prove that under two Republican adminstrations that rape and torture rooms went on and mass graves were filled(Damn I am good) and they did not bat and eye. Now all of a sudden they care about the goings on 17 years later.What! And do not give me this Clinton thought so to crap. The next time some crippled bitch neo-monkey slithers up to you and says that. You respond by saying... Well here is the TRUTH on that one.
This claim, while accurate, is completely irrelevant to the question of whether Bush lied us to war. What follows are a few of the things Clinton and Democrats didn’t say in the run-up to war. Yet these are claims—starting in the fall of 02—which took us to war in Iraq:
1) President Clinton didn’t say: That Saddam could have a nuke within six months. That was the statement of Vice President Cheney—and it contradicted the state of the intelligence.
2) President Clinton didn’t say: That there was only one use for those aluminum tubes—that the tubes could only be used in nukes. That statement was made by Condoleezza Rice. It contradicted the state of the intelligence.
3) President Clinton didn’t say: That Iraq had unmanned aerial vehicles which it “could use...to deliver biological weapons to its neighbors or, if transported, to other countries including the United States.” That clownish claim was made by Colin Powell in his presentation before the UN—the presentation which ended debate about the war. (In Plan of Attack, Bob Woodward drew a devastating picture of the way Powell assembled this report. Liberal elites ignored it, though. Reading books is just too gosh-darn hard.)
4) President Clinton didn’t say: That Iraq could fire up its chemical and biological weapons within 45 minutes. That was President Bush, in September 2002—making the statement which George Tenet derided as “the 45-minute shit.” President Clinton wasn’t talking this “shit;” it was Bush who was talking it. (In Plan of Attack, Bob Woodward describes Tenet ridiculing Bush’s statement this way. Liberal elites ignored it.)
5) President Clinton didn’t say: That Saddam was seeking uranium from Africa. Whatever you’ve decided about this claim—we’d say it played an extremely small role in the run-up to war—it wasn’t Bill Clinton who made it.
6) And, of course, President Clinton didn’t say: That Iraq was involved in September 11. That was the Bush team, over and over. The claim was made to build the impression that Saddam was inclined to attack us. With those UAVs, for example. In as little as forty-five minutes.
The concept here isn’t all that tough. Yes, most people did believe that Iraq would have chemical or biological weapons. We’d assume that the Bush Admin actually thought this too.
But chemical and biological weapons weren’t a threat to the United States—so the Bush Admin began to pimp the idea that Saddam might also have nukes. The heavy pimping of the nukes began in August 2002—driven by blatant misstatements by Cheney, Rice and Bush, not by Clinton. At the same time, we heard that Saddam’s UAVs could deliver chem and bio to this country—and we heard that Saddam would surely do so if he could. (Just look at his role in September 11!) Bill Clinton didn’t say these things—these things were said by Bush/Cheney/Rice. And these were the claims, in the fall of 02, which actually took the nation to war. The claim that Saddam had WMD was not the claim which took us to war. It was the claims we’ve listed above—claims which were not made by Clinton.
posted by Evil Genius Anthony at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 |