Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Party Is Over.

Wow, I must say that I am shocked. It seems that the Republicans got their asses kicked and bitchslapped in the House and soon to be in the Senate(at the time of writing this Montana and Virginia is still being counted) I stayed up all night and was on the phone with the Red Menace and fell asleep on the couch. Now I predicted McCaskill was going to win and I was right. Now Fox News the sore stupid losers that they are, said well here comes Nancy Pelosi and her San Francisco values(see this elitist comment is why they lost both the House and the Senate). Now here is what is going to happen folks, first of all, I am going to(along with the Red Menace)gloat and brag my ass off on the show and to every Republican thug I know. Second talk radio and Fox News will try to down play the fact they just got slaughtered(ho checked) because the public hates parties who govern from the extreme right or left. They will say the government is now full of leftist liberals and of course that would be a lie. They have to save face somehow and minimize the fact that now they are powerless and that no one likes them and they have been successfully marginalized. Plus, now they really want a terrorist attack to happen to make them feel a little better. Now, here is what's really is going to happen; the Democrats will push through the minimum wage bill and recalling tax cuts for the oil companies and the 9/11 recommendations, perscription drugs prices.. But the real ass kicking has yet to come. Now Jim Murtha kind of hinted around to it. But I knew it was coming if the Dems ever took power and the Republicans knew it too. Thats why they are saying the things they are because judgment day is upon them. There will be investigations into the oil companies and energy meetings and also the Iraq war issue and all the secret meetings. I tell you I can now start believing in my country again.

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