Saturday, December 09, 2006

Damn that Iraq

Well it looks like Iraq is turning into a pain in the ass for the president.
You see folks everything I had ever said about Iraq has come to pass, and believe me its something I am not proud, of because we are losing men and women over there over nothing. This is why neo-con philosophy is dangerous folks, because its now only the neo-cons who are touting this war on terror lie and thinking that we can still win over there. For the record there is nowhere in the world where neo-cons policy is actually working. If so, name me just one place? Instead of just really trying to unite the country all we get is this war on christmas lie and this so called "Culture Warrior" book from Mr. Falafel himself Bill (I am a pervert) O'Reilly. There is no war on Christmas and the only wars we have are the ones we have been losing since day one and that is the "War On Terror" and the War on Drugs" which we are not winning and it is only taking more of our liberties away.

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