Monday, April 09, 2007

Don Imus, Racist or bad humor?

Now, I know we have all heard about the Imus controversy that has liberals in a tizzy. Well lets look at the context and then decide for ourselves shall we. I think that the response to this is interesting. I think that the players in this has a point. I think the constant over-apologizing is a little over kill. Imus made a bad joke end of story. Now the jigaboo comment his associate made(although I understood the context)was not funny and inappropriate and stupid. I can see how people can interpret that as racist. But to be honest,Imus has said things that were very questionable in the area of race. But that does not mean he should be fired. Now the rappers and black men that I took to task last night on my show,should be careful when referring to black women or any women as bitches and ho's. Because it gives guys like Imus's cause legitimacy. But these women at Rutgers bust their ass to get where they are and did not need to be referred to as something so derogatory. So in this society no matter what inroads a woman makes,we can still refer to her as a ho and a bitch? This deconstructionist philosophy has to stop! I mean look at whats going on with Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. I mean with black people there is an old saying, no matter how successful you are or rich, a white man in the gutter can still call you a nigger! This speaks to insecurities racist white males have concerning black men. They have to tear us down in order to feel good. So just like men of other cultures,black men, we need to be more protective and respecting of and over our women and not let this crap happen. But I can't help for wondering though..... Hmm do we men have that same insecurity towards women ourselves?????


Anonymous said...

I am boycotting the show until uninformed clowns like lil big dog stop calling the show with their uninformed drivel and wasting valuable airtime intended for entertainment. Dog, I find it odd that you can find the time to call the show for an hour and a half and talk about shit that you again admittedly know nothing about, yet you won't take ten minutes to read the ----ing newspaper that you are throwing out of your car window.

Anonymous said...

anthony you climb the steps at KKFI to do your radio show, how about the disabled who are left at the bottom. and KKFI has gansta rap programming, where is the justice?

Anonymous said...

Here's what it all comes down to: respect. Show it before it is shown to you. I know it's a stretch because this society is so stuck on itself. It is one thing to comment on society and, basically, say how messed up it is - maybe even offer a possible solution, no matter how ridiculous it may sound. And it a completely different animal when we, in essence, glamorize the very thing we are fighting against. We - that is, you and me - have to stop feeding the animal. That means racism (any kind of racism), sexism, etc.