Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Its Good To See That These TeaBaggers Aren't Racist !

Happy New Year folks..... now lets start this show off with a bang. Wow, it's good to see that the fraud republicans teabaggers opposition to Obama is not based on racism at all. That is unless your dumb ass gets caught with a sign stating how republicans really feel. As you can can see the nazi party or aka neocons are again showing their true colors and proving that they are insecure white people.(boy I just love it)


John said...

I have always say that you can have issues with what the policies of the President,as long as you deal with it with respect.

A lot of the "tea party" folks aren't racist.(I truly believe that) But, when you see racist signs and images of the President as a "Vodoo Dr" then I think it is very important for the folks in that movement to call these racist out. (I'm still waiting Micheal Steele..)

Anonymous said...


But the final irony is that many of the detainees may not even want to be transferred to Thomson and could conceivably even raise their own legal roadblocks to allow them to stay at Gitmo.

Anonymous said...

You should get glasses since you seem unaware of what is painted on that sign the guy is propping up.