Friday, October 07, 2005


I was watching Oprah the other day(do not ask me why). The cast from my favorite movie "Crash" was on. Well this expert threw out this figure on crime concerning inter-racial verses intra-racial and discovered this. That both blacks and whites count for 3% of crimes inter-racially and that each group intra-racially counts for 97% of crimes.
So that means that despite a lot of racial beliefs, black men are not raping or robbing white women or people at an alarming rate and vice versa. So basically whites are killing there own at an alarming rate and blacks are killing each other at an alarming rate. I did a show on this a few years ago. It was good to see this again.
But yet the media keeps this black on black crime bullsh*t going. Well cultures from all over the world kill each other. Would you believe and be shocked that in China, chinese people kill chinese people or that in Italy, italians kill italians. So you never hear the media describe that as "chinese on chinese" or "italian on italian" or "white on white crime". The term implies that no other racial groups kill each other. So you now know how absurd the term "black on black crime" is. So why does the media do this, I mean surely a liberal media would be fair and not perpetrate this lie ,right! I will start using the term and you use it also(white on white crime) until this foolishness stops.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

Judas Juice you missed my entire point entirely. This blows apart that old adage of criminal raping black men.
And as far as the international example goes. I was pointing out that you basically kill where you are at. If I am mad at my neighbor, I am not driving all the way down to the "hood" and kill someone I am just going to kill my neighbor next door(just like everyone else). So the point is not mute. But you are right that a large percentage of homicides are perpetrated by some one the victims know(even gangs. Again proving my point. Thanks for posting. Gotta a flight to catch.