1.. Watching tonights episode of "Hannity and Colmes" I seemed to notice that
Sean isn't in the Fox Studio's with Alan. Wild theory!
But could it be that Alan is sick of the smell from Sean Hannity's
head because it is in the Bush Administration's collective "ASSES"
and he finally complained about it?
2.. Who is the most annoying callers to WavestationX???? I have three in
no particular order....
"Fairway Mike" a longtime listener and caller to talk radio in K.C.
who always prove you can talk a lot but have nothing really to say.
"Russ" He claims he is a "Libertarian Anarchist" he
is waiting for society to fall apart because of all the legal/illegal
immigration that comes into the USA(mostly its ok that Russ wants to bring over a Russian Girl to I guess to marry him, but it isn't ok for anyone
of color to come in the country because damn, its just bringing us down. He has it all figured out and the rest of us are suckers....
"Racist George" I met this guy a couple of times and he is also
a longtime caller of talk radio in KC. George is a racist
but he is the type that is racist with a soft fuzzy side .. (he is a evironmentalist) He just want the "master race" to control it all. My experience with racists is that they are in a lot of ways lazy and real dysfunctional people(George has over 100 hours of college credit with no degree and this is the fault of minorites)who never accomplished anything. Look in the mirror George that is the real culprit to your existence.
3.. George Carlin once said when he was called to cynical about things
that he thinks of himself as a "desolutional idealist".
I am far from that area but it amazes me that we have some of the
dumbest people it seem running the country and it seems that some of us surrender the ability to ask questions and challenge people who are in authority.. Question it
all the time because if you don't, you get "GEORGE W. BUSH".
Later to Blogger Dudes and Duddette's.
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