Big Dog who just the other day was giving me major props for being fair about Alito's record has accused me of spinning my entry concerning Feingold and Gonzales he claims that I left out intentionally the part of the text(which I sometimes leave things off my blog but I always provide a link to it so people can read it for themselves). Now here is the offending piece of info he just had to show me as if I had not seen it. the following is a response from Alberto Gonzales answering the question what administrations sought wiretaps outside FISA and did not get warrants
GONZALES: None come to mind, Senator, but I'd be happy to look to see whether or not that's the case.
FEINGOLD: I'll take it as a "no" unless you submit something.
(see BD's posting for the rest)
Now we know how the rest ends. You see Big Dog seems to focus on his percieved skullduggery only on one side . What questions has he thrown at this administration that have been critical. I was not trying to spin or trick any one I gave out the freaking link. But I do have a question. This administration loves to say others did it too. Okay.....which ones give me the names of past adminstrations who sought warrantless wiretaps outside of FISA. I want BigDog to find out which administrations
did it and I will post it on my blog. You see Gonzales could not answer Feingolds question because he knew none existed he was trying to buy time and Feingold knew it.
Remember this folks if this current administration knew they were following a precedent that another administration utilized why can't they cite who it was I mean this should be at the tips of their tongues right! The President does not have that kind of power period! Big dog find out who this mysterious administration is and report back to us now remember they have to have approached the same way Bush and co did(according to Bush) Happy hunting and by the way if you fail you owe me a apology. The clock is ticking.
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