It was recently inferred by Russ the caller that since I defend gay marriage with a passion that I must be get this ........Gay! Hmmm lets see nothing can be further from the truth. But that means nothing to Russ you see Russ does not see the folly in having a position against gay marriage. How provincial a person he is turning out to be.
Now if you do not know what "provincial" is then I will not tell you, should have listened in school.....anyway Russ listen up you are right the most pressing issue that faces us is Flag Burning and Gay marriage, you heard right, the most pressing issues of our era is Flag burning and banning Gay marriage.
Let's indulge them for a minute and forget
The neglected War on Terror
Global warming
Outrageous deficit spending
Global poverty
The stand still on Stem cell research
The fact that only 5% of our cargo containers are inspected... and a Chinese government owned business are responsible for scanning the cargo for nukes while the ports are controlled by Dubai; a Terrorist enabler with government ties to the attack on 9/11 and banks that terror cells use the protected funds to pay for those attacks in the London and Madrid attacks.
Afghanistan exploding with violence.
The Taliban and terrorist still control most of the country.
Outrageous gas prices
The Afghan Heroin suppliers funding terrorist training camps and various organized crime groups such as the Yakuza and specifically the Russian Mafia who by the way sell weapons to the very terrorists who gave them the Opium
through Dubai.
The administration is pushing for a war in Iran using the same hype they used to sell the other Middle East war they said would be a cake walk.
Illegal wiretaps and data mining.
The use of the "Illegal Immigrant" problem to usher in a Biometric National ID card.
A President who believes he can sign any law and implement it into law, even if the Congress doesn't pass it.
A President who says he doesn't have to follow the law because He's President.
The fact that Kellog Root and Brown are building giant detention centers funded with no-bid contracts for no known reason.
Let's forget all about that for a minute.
Just someone explain to me how do Boys Kissing and burning a symbol that is regularly defaced with cartoon characters,used for toilet seats is more important than any of the listed above? I'll sign on the dotted line, just explain it to me. Explain why Republicans pandering to their base is more important than stopping the diamond trade that is responsible for maiming, rape, murder, and genocide.
Give me a reason I should give a damn about either.
I said the same thing when after a week after we'd already talked about Mel Gibson, every other show was STILL talking about it. Is he anti-Semitic? Duh. Why do we care more about that than we do about the missing Egyptian "students" or the foiled terror plot? We shouldn't. Not about this, gay marriage (Sorry Russ, but gay men pairing up does not threaten my marriage!), or flag burning.
Though I am personally not for gay marriage (but do believe civil unions should give all the benifits as marriage does, and I don't feel gay marriage threatens straight marriage either) and could honestly care less about the Federal flag being burnt to a crisp, I have to agree that there are tons more important issues out there that need, and should be taken care of. Were in the middle of Vietnam Redux, and gas prices are going higher than milk.
People take things too seriously or out of context. I was just playing with Anthony but he seems to have taken what I said personally. Calling me his bitch simply revealed his own sexual insecurity. I was simply throwing back at him what I call pop psychology i.e. if someone talks about something constantly they must either be that something that they defend or they have some hidden agenda.
For the record I could care less whom you marry. Of course there are more serious issues than Gay marriage but Anthony is not the God of whom decides what is important to people and what isn’t important to them. The question that needs to be asked is ‘do religious people have the right to voice their concerns in the public square if those concerns are at odds with the perceived rights of another group?’
That is hitting below the belt Calico. I would be more than happy to bring in copies of my documents that have been sent to Homeland Security. As far as you insulting my fiancĂ©’ fuck off. Anthony has seen pictures of her.
For people like you that claim to be all that progressive you are not.
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