Saturday, September 11, 2010

Shame..But They Are Just being Their True Selves.


Ok. First of all I do not understand whats the big deal about this guy. He is a lying publicity megalomaniacal religious nutcase. Now I think burning anything is stupid although its a free speech issue. Through history Muslims and Christians have burned each others books for years.Now I will say that this is bad publicity. Now this guy and his merry band of nutcases claims he was called by God to burn the Koran. I will pause so the wingnuttery can set in. This guy is following true christian
theology by burning books ...If you don't believe me read ACTS 19:19. Remember the apostle Paul who was second to Jesus and he burned those books of his opposition and claimed they were worth 50 pieces of silver and then he wrote Christianity flourished throughout the land. Well of course it would if you shut down the opposition and not allow them to speak. So when you hear a christian denigrate this guy in Florida remember that this guy is engaging in real bible teachings according to the bible now God Bless you and keep you and go out and oppress some Muslims.


Anonymous said...

You're doing the same thing that he is doing, taking the Bible out of context. Same thing the extremist Muslims do with the Quran.
Now I'm going to have to print out 50 copies of your blog and burn them later and ink isn't cheap dude.

Anthony said...

Nope! You're wrong. I have taken nothing out of context...Prove it?

Anonymous said...

So when Al'Ciada attacked, do you think they were in their proper religious context as well?

Anonymous said...

Jesus is perfect, not Peter.

Anthony said...

When those thugs attacked us they used religion to do it and I think all religion can be dangerous.Now why is that other guy mentioning Peter when I mentioned Paul?

Anonymous said...

Ha, my bad, Paul wasn't perfect.

When thug nations kill, torture, invade, and destroy people, they use politics to do it.

When thug corporations steal from, hurt, desolate, and suck the life out of people, they use mass-economics to do it.

Anonymous said...

Once again who cares but actually calling the guy an idiot is not accurate since on his website he is pimping his book. I would have to say that the guy is very smart. I was disappointed that he didn't burn the books the reaction from peaceful Muslims would have been fantastic.