Saturday, September 11, 2010

Truth Hurts Doesn't It Teabagging Neo Cons?


A. Why attack the wife? It's because that's what Republicunts do.
B. They claim the Obama's didn't pay for their vacation - they did.
C. They want the stupid and the racists to think "Those lazy niggers,
all they do is steal whitey's money while they refuse to work."

Of course, they were ok when Bush set new records
for most vacation days by any president ever - but he was White.

Here's Bush in Crawford AFTER getting that PDB that said
"Bin Laden determined to strike US soon, possibly with planes"
but Bush didn't even bother to get out of his lawn chair to read it.

...but that's OK, he's White.


Anonymous said...

If you and your white racist ilk keep spinning this tea thing into a racial divide, well, it could go bad real quick. There is another way, like finding an issue that teapeople and teahaters can agree on like wars and pushing that move right on through real quick. It would take Libs starting to show up at tea parties touting their own signs about issues important to them and both crews deliberately learning from each other and looking for places that they can see eye to eye. It's a risky move though because an incident of violence could start a chain reaction that could ignite police state hell. Groupthink sucks more and more the bigger it gets.
There needs to be free classes and refresher courses available to everyone all over the US something like this:
+ Fact checking(101)-
+ Having civil intelligent debates(102)-
+ Even in large groups(103)-
+ How to handle haters, trolls, and inciters(104)=D

That bit of adult education could actually be the best money that Uncle Sam has ever spent.

Anthony said...

Then explain to me why they are attacking Obama and his wife in this manner. Also explain why they can't explain why they are so angry with Obama?

Anonymous said...

I think they're angry with the system and they take it out on Obama just like many of us did with Bush. That seems to be the job of presidents these days, scapegoats. Obama, much like Bush, obviously puts "global" agendas ahead of our nation's interests.

The people who talk the most shit are the ones who get the media coverage now, a fact made even more obvious by the book burning BS. An angry mob is drawn towards shit-talking and will often remain ignorant just out of spite. I think people get too caught up in the rush. Individuals can be very intelligent, sympathetic, empathetic, and reasonable with each other but groupthink works differently. As a corporate or political group-thinking program gets larger, it naturally has a lessening respect for the individuals and that ends up working against people through ignorance and lack of slack. What you usually end up with is people accepting the programmed agenda, blinding themselves from the individual issues and people so as not to lessen their group power even for the sake of new information. Teapeople and teahaters alike do this. Individuals receiving new information, experiences, and viewpoints can deescalate these problems but it's a temporary fix. Talking shit to each other polarizes, rarely changes minds, and is just the right environment for fear and ignorance to florish in.