Saturday, September 17, 2005


I must admit that my earlier postings about Bush taking reponsibilty for his feckless repsonse was done after I heard it on the radio. I finally saw the tv version and ,wow did he appear insincere. I mean he was jumpy never looked anyone in the eye. He behaved like he was not used to admitting guilt. He appeared uncomfortable,not sure of himself.
I think comedienne Joy Behar said it best that he looked like a man that beat his wife
and comes back with flowers and then says honey I will not do it again.(HUH! Whats that Ike? "C"mon eat the cake Anna mae") That was a very accurate depiction (although some insincere people men/women have that trait! But her point is right and well taken. This President is a joke and should just stay on vacation where he can not cause anymore trouble. But I heard is kool aid suporters(Hannity,Limbaugh) said that his speech was great! Puhleeze! Great my ass!

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