What the hell is wrong with Fred Phelps. I had him on the show once in 1997 and he was of course bashing gays and I wondered and asked him, does he have tendencies to be homosexual? This man could find gay people on Mars. Now this ugly "troglodyte"(see Megan I can use ten dollars words too)must need his gaydar fixed because in his latest case of being a human train wreck he accused Swedens Carl Gustaf of being GAY! Oh my God, say its not true brother Anthony. I say my brothers and sisters, brother Phelps has spotted us another homeesexall. He is doing the work of Jeeesus, I mean we do not want him to say anything or do anything about the victims of hurricane Katrina and actually help build tolerance like Jesus actually said. Naw Naw! Oh, I feel a force in my spirit
brothers and sister. I feel a message from up high coming on, Oh Christ its from the great Evil Genius himself he's telling me that brother Phelps is a wicked one,give me a amen! He says that brother Phelps needs a damn life,hallefalujah! He says......that brother Phelps has a closeted need to get a hard one of his own! He says.......that brother Phelps has the need to be a subservient cocksocket and a sperm dump as he always wanted to be. Ecoli,Ecoli, buy me a hyundai,buy me a hyundai,sha na na na na!
that is from the book of Anthony 1st chapter 2nd Heineken and a Carona with an eight ball!
Fred Phelps needs a damn life. Where are the christians to tell him to shut the F**k up. Mr. Phelps you are a national embarassment, Your wife whom I found so engaging and nice should take you in the house and never let you out. Leave gay people alone and please Mr.Phelps stop hating. It is not a family value. We live in the greatest country in the world, and that means that this society is pluralistic Sir! Get used to it!
I just heard Bishop T.D Jakes on tv with this hurricane Katrina church service.
He was relating the good Samaritan story. I never understood why they always use that story as an analogy for people who perform good deeds. Because if you remember to study the bible you would know that the Samaritans were looked down upon and demonized by the towns people. They did not like Samaritans. (Kind of like how neo-cons demonize liberals or the Nazi's and the Jews) But it is interesting how through time and selective memory we forget that. So when they use the term "good samaritan" you start to realize what they really meant. Its tantamount to "good liberal" "good nigger". Now I know someone is saying quite frantically, Okay now
Anthony you have taken it out of context and misinterpreted the bible. Okay all I ask is, do not believe me, just read the bible! Talk at you guys later!!!
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