Monday, March 29, 2010

Color Issue? What Color Issue???

I love it when I hear people say that blacks only voted for Obama because of his color. Now keep in mind the underlying theme in this racist statement.PROJECTION!!! Look it up in psychology you wavexer's :). What they are really saying but are afraid to is that hey you darkies you do not have enough sense to vote on the issues like whitey does so this is what your worth. Plus I do not want a darkie running my country. Now I know these idiot are wrong and that blacks just like anyone else can vote on the issues. So why do they say this? Well it is because they are RACISTS! Look you did have some blacks that supported Obama that voted for Obama because he is black and that is the stupidest thing ever. Hmmm so I guess there were no whites who voted for Mcain/Palin who supported or not supported them who voted for them because they were white. Naw white people would not do that and then accuse blacks of the same thing...OOPs whats this below? Oh Btw if there is any tape of any Obama supporters that match the hate of these tapes please send me the link.

Watch how someone yells out Nigger and Palin just ignores it and not address it


Anonymous said...

No sir. If you dont post a reference of said thing, then you are the one saying it. So Booooooyah!!! you said it and you posted a eddie hascal (ill post quote in a sec) reference about the people on the hill and this sir is another bigoted statement posted by you and i called you a race baiter on it too. Wich you are.

YOU DID SAY IT and you lied about it.

So you are a coward beyond belief. Pass what you say onto someone that you never sourced. Once again you are proving how much a coward you are.


Anonymous said...

You need to chew on an old tire for a while. I know that our society seems to be falling apart on a daily basis what with our country being plunged into the worst economic conditions since the 30's; and that posting on sites like this one to argue relentlessly about issues that aren't that critical should make you take a step back and take your false teeth out of your mouth. It is obvious that the first black President of the US is going to be a lightening rod even during the best of times. We have known for years that the status quo wasn't going to hold but now here we are with the 'house' full of broken mirrors and the smoke of illusion wafting out the front door. It wold seem that we are either headed for Revolution or a Police State.