Thursday, November 26, 2009

Now Thats A One Tall Drink.

I have always loved tall women from Iman to Crawford but this one is heaven to me check it out :) :).I hope she is not a guy

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Sphincter Dog Says What ?

"According to data provided by Traci L. Billingsley, spokeswoman for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, federal facilities on American soil currently house 216 international terrorists and 139 domestic terrorists. Some of these miscreants have been locked up here since the early 1990s. None of them has escaped. At the most secure prisons, nobody has ever escaped, period."

Over at is where anthony changed a few words and in fact he didnt come up with this shit on his own.

BTW Evil Penus!! this is like the fourth time i have busted your ass plagiarizing. In this case you have gotten smart enough to change a few words around.

Please give credit where credit is do. Oh thats right you are the evil penus

-Palinista who is high and pretending that I claimed that the statistics of our terrorist inmates were mine and mine alone.

This is so funny,this is what I mean folks,instead of dealing with the fearmongering and fake outrage that the right is creating. This palinist decides to sidestep the issue and tries to call into questioning my alleged plagiarism. Now for the record I have never plagiarized anything ever! I dare anyone to find anywhere on this blog or prove that I plagiarized anything. Now if this neocon could pause in his stupidity long enough then he would know that if you put it in your own words then your not by definition plagiarizing. I never claimed that those statistics were mine.I got them from a source and I blogged about it to help fight the stupid rightwing lies and fearmongering and ignorance over the upcoming New York trial that he is so fully against. This guy just does not understand such concepts as information or being informed(he can't help it). My readers know that I only give facts and I have never alluded to or tricked anyone into thinking that I magically came up with those facts. That is Hannity's job,its also dumb. You know he would never question Fox News like that would he? But this very same guy years ago compiled a book of someone else"s work and claimed it as his own. What a hypocrite. Plus he sure has a strange fascination with dicks doesn't he?:)

2012 Farce!

Okay, I loved the movie 2012(hell saw it twice). But what is with these nutcases coming out of the woodwork with this Mayan 2012 doomsday prophecy crap? Look, this is so hilarious that grown people actually are seriously talking about the apocalypse the way its predicted in the movie. It's not going to happen ok, there will not be a big catastrophe on 12-21-2012, its just really a crazy superstition from some nutcases.I actually hear people talking about Nostradamus and other fake soothsayers. The only the thing in the movie that could be true is the super volcano in Yellowstone.(we have seven worldwide and three in the U.S the others being in Europe and Asia). Now when that blows it will decimate most of the western US and possibly affect the global climate all over the globe and it is active but scientists say that its not slated for an eruption for a long long long time even though we are 40,000 years over due for it. All you have to do is check the evidence for yourself. Look if you believe even for a second that there is something to numerology,astrology witchcraft,UFO'S,Mayans,Area 51,Nostradamus or even Edgar Caycee or others.. you need help and have forgotten how to think clearly...Get a life.

Palin Say It Ain't So????? Bad Bad Sarah!

It seems that for some reason Palin(R-Quitter) bailed on some fans who have been waiting hours outside for her autograph and she got booed. Hmmmm interesting behavior..

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Leykis On Palin

Listen to Tom properly handle a typical Palinista and also explaining why people like the caller love Palin and why Palin is a hypocrite.

And Lest we forget why we question Palin's intellect.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Interesting Quote!!

"Have you noticed how few "intellectuals" there are in the Republican Party? Seriously, they are a bunch of rednecks,
skinheads, racists, misogynists and uneducated simpletons. And like Beck and Limbaugh, they are too stupid to realize it.Their IQ hovers around their belt size. It blows me away how really moronic they are. These are on the lower end of the
scale of humanity. They cannot be educated. They will never change."-Susan(obviously an intelligent person.

I disagree with Susan on a few points. I think that Limbaugh plays a game with his unsuspecting listeners. He is just gaming them on their stupidity. Beck may be another one also.You can still be educated and also be close minded I mean look at Coulter,Ingraham on the far right and some of the Peta and others on the far left. But other than that she is exactly right on the money about the rest of those unenlightened idiots!

Crazy Cultists Are At It Again

This is what happens when the aforementioned stupidity in the last post is allowed to run wild and unchecked(click on post title).

Rumors about gun confiscations. Angry protests about the government's tax policies, replete with Nazi comparisons.
A resurgent militia movement. Rage at the election of a president deemed to be illegitimate and threatening.
Distrust and anger toward the government fueled by paranoia and conspiracy theories.

They are among the cross currents of anger and hostility that have swept certain sectors of the country since Obama
took office nearly a year ago. And they are contributing to "a toxic atmosphere of rage in America," according to the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which today issued a report looking at the various sources that have given rise to a
climate of anti-government fervor in the United States.

Since Obama became president we have seen a tremendous amount of anger and hostility," said Abraham H. Foxman,
ADL National Director. "There is a toxic atmosphere of rage in America being witnessed at many levels, and it raises
fundamental questions for our society."

Proud To Be An Elitist!

Hey folks, I know you have been seeing this footage of Palin's five chapter tome that has just been released. I am proud to see the real conservatives starting to speak up for themselves when it comes to this lady. Plus I am just loving this Palin cultist scourge that has been foisted on the public by the media. You see these people...these (birthers,deathers,neo cons,fox news watchers) are blinded by their own mad dog beliefs and most of them hate Obama because of his skin and they do not and I repeat do not care about facts. You see I hear from the top cultist of them all Mr. Limbaugh who says that the country is conservative....Really? If that was true then repubs would win every election we have ever had..Right? Well we know that's stupid and not true. They are just as bad as the liberals. They think that their side is only the right side.They think that anyone who disagrees with them is liberal or socialist,communist or hate America. You've heard it all, its like a broken record with these people. They love to call anyone who is not like them elitist or if you believe in science you're still an elitist.They oppose embryonic stem cell research because these twisted F**ks actually believe and make the claim that these STEM CELLS are ....believe it or not(try not to laugh ok).....BABIES!!! I mean when is the last time you had to burp or change the diaper on a damn stem cell? Its because of their religion and it makes them stupid. Plus these provincial rubes wants their way and wants their bible in every class room. Like that will makes us safer. I mean people are getting shot in churches all day long so that won't keep us safe. They are not accountable for any of their actions....and if they are please give me an example? They love to complain about the very same thing they are guilty of. The whore media is allowing these dumb asses time as if its a valued view point of view's not! Remember the founding fathers when they made those wonderful documents. They did not ask for or allow any input from those backwoods provincial booger eating, shit stomping, cousin fuckers. It was done by the educated and enlightened people of the day, from all view points that were rational. So this Palin thing is interesting in the sense that she did not go the normal book tour route. She went to the places where she would get lots of support. So of course she got crowds. But lets see if she can pull those same crowds in LA or Chicago or New York...I think not! Palin is poison to the GOP and I love her for it. Remember they lost a seat in the 23rd district in NY that has not had a Dem in it since the civil war because of her. Now of course they say it was because of voter fraud...Yeah right! I just think that Palin is so far right she scares normal people. Keep up the good work Palin. Every time I see you on the screen I smile to myself and say the word thank you under my breath.Don't let those two governor races in NJ/Virginia fool you. Those guys were going to lose anyway. But Obama did a stupid thing and went to campaign for a loser. But maybe the critical thinking enlightened repubs will fight this fight and put these rubes back in the closet where they belong. Ok here is a video of Laura Ingraham being a hypocrite.

More hypocrisy From Laura.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Why Sooo Scared????

Is all the Repubs have left is to be scared and to also scare folks? I mean this is stupidity gone wild. They are so sissified over the decision against the 9-11 hijackers being tried in New York. What a bunch of crybabies. They claim the terrorists have the advantage,they will mock the families,New York will be attacked by their other terrorist friends........ Oh please stop the whining I am throwing up already shut the F**k up. First of all we can prosecute them just like we did with the other World Trade Center bombers and McVeigh and the mob and other terrorist foreign and domestic and house them successfully in the Colorado super max where we put the other terrorists..and they are kept safe from harming us too. Guess what I am from Colorado and since we put all those world terrorist in there..there has not been not one terrorist attack on that prison or Colorado. These cowards are just so afraid that they want you to be afraid too.As I posted in more time for the cheap seats....

Professor Anthony has a question. Does anyone in class know how many terrorists we now house in this country?...No takers...Anyone?.... Anyone?......Bueller?....Fry?....

Answer: 355 terrorists in the United States.

Here is the breakdown, we currently house 216 international terrorists in this country and 139 domestic terrorists. They have been incarcerated in American prisons for years with not one problem. The breakdown including,Zacharias Moussaoui(911 planner)Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman (The Blind Sheikh 1st WTC terrorist that Clinton jailed,)Richard Reid(shoe bomber)and the list goes on..Oh ..Oh don't let me forget to mention homegrown right wing domestic terrorists like Eric Rudolph(abortion bomber)Terry Nichols(Oklahoma City Bomber homeboy of Timmy McVeigh)left wing terrorist Ted Kaczynski(Unabomber)and this is just in the state of Colorado. Like I said the list goes on. We house dangerous criminals who have not Manson,Richard Ramirez(the night stalker)Ted Bundy(we killed him later) and let us not forget all of the dangerous organized crime figures we house and mass murderers.
For years in the state of Kansas alone was housed some of the most feared vicious killers known to man before they were shipped to Colorado. Feared killers like Thomas Silverstein and Thomas Little not mentioning the rapists. You also have military personnel who killed their families or other troops in the barracks out there . Not one peep from any of them. Now if they had escaped they could have easily blended in with the population.This irrational fear has to stop. The right wing wants you to be afraid.Lest us also not forget one of the most feared serial killers in the US, Richard(Iceman) Kuklinski was housed safely in Rahway prison until his death a few years ago. We are fully capable of housing these terrorists safely. If it's one thing Americans do well...its prisons! So don't give into this fear and don't let these idiots get to you. They will yell, scream and lie to you. They can only make these stupid claims because most people do not realize who is already in their back yards and these neo cons are just a bunch of dumb asses(plus you can't water board in the US). So bring up that little fun little fact and watch them squirm. Please don't be fooled by the colossal ignorance coming from the right. I mean be honest,if your afraid of swarthy looking people then just say so. But do not act as if we can't handle the terrorists in our jails and prisons because we are so fragile, what a cop out!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Passive Aggressive Carrie.

Carrie needs to go away. I mean why go on a show when you know you will be questioned about the controversy that made you news in the first place. We all know that she made some kind of sex tape. Well the story goes that she tried to sue the pageant and they said really well here is a sextape we want to show you. Then all of a sudden Carrie did not want to sue anymore(I love how that played out that's how you do it hit where it hurts). I do not feel sorry for her. She is the one traveling the country and talking about her morals and Christ and all these thing,meanwhile having this tape of slapping ass that she thought no one would find. Now the little tart is saying "Christians are not perfect"..Well I knew that, but please tell them to stop acting like they are.. What a hypocrite!! She does not want to talk about it. Remember that folks next time you you make a tape and your ass is high in the air,plus Palin is her hero hmmmmmm? So she threw a hissy fit on Larry King just watch..... Also click on title link.

Another Idiotic Quote!

"Leave it to a weak minded liberal to defend a Muslim thug murderer by trying to conflate other groups with Islam. For some reason you seem to have a hard on for Muslims. Maybe you could be kind enough to point out from the Christian groups, you listed that is assuming that all of them are actually Christian the date and time that they attacked a US military instillation killing and wounding dozens. Plus I should add that most Neo-Nazis are not Christians. I also doubt that members of the Order are Christian since they hate Jews and Jesus was a Jew. There are also different branches of Skinheads some who are secular/liberal. The Klan doesn’t really even exist anymore…it is mainly filled with FBI informants.
I wonder what would have happened if say an open Christian had been serving in the Saudi military and had done the same thing that the Muslim shooter had done…what would the reaction had been there?
Face it…as a jelly belly teary eyed, sap sucking, tofu liberal you simply can’t stand anyone that disagrees with you. Like most of your kind you are nothing more than a thug/communist."
-Stupid Palinista(redundant) pretending that terrorism is defined as shooting up a military installation and being a muslim.

I will not go into how stupid this response was from this Palinista. Remember no one has defended this shooter at all on this site. But this guy wants to play down the acts of these groups. Because in his mind when your white its ok to murder and pillage. Lets take for instance his claims the klan doesn't exist and filled with FBI agents which is just so Palin stupid. There is just not enough agents to go around for such an operation,plus that's what informants are for. The skinheads do have different groups, but I was referring to the christian racist ones...every one on that list has been researched and studied. And as far as doubting if they are really christian just pull up their websites sometime. Now contrary to what every Palinista believes..I already am studying the events in Texas.But unlike the racists I understand facts and I will not engage in innuendo or propaganda or guilt by association or just plain out lying. I also get the impression that this guy does not understand what a liberal is and is spewing the extreme right wing Fox News hatred. I mean look at his words he is using(he doesn't really like himself) so in essence he is really talking about himself.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


"'Why did he do it? Why did he do it?' I cannot believe I've been hearing that question all weekend. Why did a Muslim in touch with Al-Qaeda open fire on US military personnel? Why did he do it? I tell you something folks political correctness is going to lead to our downfall."
-- Limbaugh(still high)saying all Muslims are murderers,

Wouldn't it then follow that all Protestants are members of the KKK?

Are Only The Muslims Terrorists???

Okay, it looks like the racist Palinistas(redundant)are working overtime to throw half truths and sometimes outright lies on that nutcase who shot up the soldiers at Fort Hood. I mean I heard a local talk show host actually say this..not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim. Hmmmm really I mean even the IRA and Shining Path? What about the Baader-Meinhof Gang or even the Action Directe,or hell don't let me leave out all the wonderful christian terrorist groups....Armed Forces of National Liberation
Aryan Nations
Christian Patriots Defense League
The Covenant
Jewish Defense League
Ku Klux Klan
The Order
Posse Comitatus or bka Christian Identity

You just have to love these racists. I mean come on isn't their stupidity just so darn cute? I dare any one of them to defend thes groups I just mentioned.

WTF Again! I Love This Movie.

I will be seeing this movie.:)

I'm Shocked... Well Not Really!

Even Fox News had to set that dummy Palin straight. I just love it. People are starting to realize that Palin is a joke and the GOP guys just want her for...well you can guess why. No one takes this idiot seriously. She killed McCain's bid and she is fracturing the GOP. Good Job dummy :).


Monday, November 09, 2009


I mean, look I have always believed that too much religion makes you stupid. But this is ridiculous. What is wrong with this guy? Is he taking a crap or has a nervous tick? I will hazard a guess here and say that this man is a little "Touched" and maybe has problems that transcends the religion. Anyway, this is funny as hell. So view it and enjoy the lunacy :)

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Tancredo Goes "S.S.Bitch"!

It looks like former congressman Tom Tancredo got beat up for using the GOP's handbook of talking crap. It seems Tancredo who has, just like his friend Dick(five deferments)Cheney never served his country. But sure talks alot of smack about how veterans feel about the health care bill. Now his ass got handed to him by a real veteran Markos Moutlitsas when he told the truth about Tancredo's deferment. So instead of manning up and apologizing for lying or even staying to defend his position,the little boy got all sensitive all of a sudden(btw the gop insults everybody all the time)so he did the usual GOP response when caught lying...he played "sensitive scared bitch" and then runs off camera much like Coulter did when she had her ass handed to her for lying and having the truth told.Remember these guys lie so much that they can't help it and the only way to fight them is use the facts. This is the reason why they hate me and this website because I tell it like it is. They never complain about Hannity or the other Palinistas do they?????

Moutlitsas made a quip about Tancredo using the depressed excuse after his other deferments ran out. What this referenced to was Tancredo's having obtained 1-Y status in 1970,after his other student deferments ran out(sound familiar)so he did not want to go war on the grounds that he had been "diagnosed with depression when he was 16 or 17 and received medication for five years for panic attacks and bouts of anxiety and depression." Tancredo was 24 at the time.(Yeah Riiight).Remember,its one thing to oppose war, be vocal about it and get genuine student deferments. Then it is to claim you had a bump on your ass(Limbaugh).Or you had better things to do(Cheney/Rumsfeld).I would make you a bet that the biggest advocates of war on the GOP side are always the guys who played "BITCH" when it was their time to go. Wanna make a bet you Palinistas?

I Told You So!

Oh man on man I knew it was only matter of time. I talked about it in a posting earlier.I knew it was only a matter of time,I suppose,before the wingnuts tried to maliciously and deceitfully connect the Fort Hood shooter to the Obama White House. I just didn't expect it would take less than 24 hours. And of course the perpetrator is the reliably wrong conspiracy-meister Jerome Corsi, writing at the conspiratorial WorldNetDaily: Click on link for article..They claim he was advisor to Obamas transition team.. Of course this is an boldface outright lie. But when did the Palinistas ever let facts get in their way.I just loved the false headline "shooter advised Obama"

here is the truth from media matters..

"WorldNetDaily falsely claimed that alleged Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan "advised Obama transition" in the headline of an article by Jerome Corsi highlighting his listing as a "participant" in a report for the Homeland Security Policy Institute (HSPI) at George Washington University's Presidential Transition Task Force. However, Corsi himself acknowledges that there is no evidence that "the group played any formal role in the official Obama transition" -- indeed, the Task Force was initiated in April 2008. Moreover, while Hasan was listed as one of approximately 300 "Task Force Event Participants" in the report's appendix, HSPI has reportedly said he was not a "member" of the Task Force, and was listed because he RSVP'd for several of the group's open events."

I can hardly wait for the next Glenn Beck episode.

The fact that it is bullshit of course, guarantees that Glenn Beck will run with it. We can now look forward to a “the Fort Hood killer advised the Obama transition team” line to be shortened to calling him “an Obama adviser”. You just watch.

What Is A Terrorist?

Now we do not know for sure of the attack on Fort Hood was terrorist related. All we know is that we had a very sick individual who shot and harmed a lot of good soldiers. The definition of terrorism is pretty varied and politically and emotionally charged but here is what society and the Palinista's largely define terrorism as......

Palinista definition of terrorism-Anytime anyone from the Islamic faith kills people.( I know that this particular definition is biased but these palinistas are so stupid what would you expect?) I mean by this definition the shooter in Florida who was either christian or Catholic is a ____terrorist(insert the religion in front of the word terrorist.If religion is the only factor. But the Palinistas hate muslims(especially the real dark ones)so they use the religion angle and the act to attack them,but ignore it when their fellow christians engage in the same behavior.

I know your saying that these definitions can fit anybody who engages in violent actions against people and you will be right with the proper investigation of the facts.

But the real definition of terrorism is...

# terror - panic: an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety
# terror - a person who inspires fear or dread; "he was the terror of the neighborhood"
# terror - a very troublesome child
# terror - the use of extreme fear in order to coerce people (especially for political reasons); "he used terror to make them confess"

the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ...

terrorist - a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; usually organizes with other terrorists in small cells; often uses religion as a cover for ...

These definitions cover muslims,jews,christians,non christians or persons of any religious or political stripe(abortion bombers or shooters of doctors)who engages in harming others for example the famous christian terrorist political group the IRA in Northern Ireland(and we know what that stuff was all about now don't we)

I Pissed Off A Shim!

"You shouldn't assume that everyone that post on your sorry blog is male, but being a misogynistic pig you simply rut to your own nature. Plus you try a slight of hand at morale equivalency which really means you have no actual morals. I realize that being a liberal makes you weak minded and easily led by a charismatic fascist like Obongo, but I have a low opinion of Palin. I would never support her just for being a woman unlike you Acorn carbon copies. If Palin became President Goddess help us all, pigs like you would suddenly start talking about a village losing its number one idiot. But since your ‘boy’ is President we have to respect him. If the shooter had been a white male Christians you and other fascist leftists' would have been smacking your lips with glee but since the shooter is a non white murderous Muslim we have to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you should become a Muslim and move to Iran where you can live in freedom and justice."
-A "Shim" Palinista trying shamelessly to disavow Palin and talking in absolutes and making it very apparent that "Shim" has not read the entire blog.

Friday, November 06, 2009

No Tragedy Is Bad Enough That The Right Wing Can"t Exploit it Right?

We have all heard the news of the tragedy in Texas. My thoughts go out to the families. I come from a military family and I know their pain. It seems like an Army psychiatrist(if you can believe that shiggity) went postal and have shot at least 11 army soldiers. Oh hell this just in....There was a shooting in an office building in Orlando Florida some moments ago. They are looking for a suspect by the name of Jason Rodriguez(sounds possibly Hispanic) Don't worry the Palinista's will turn his ass in to a muslim by the end of the day.I am sure since he is hispanic they will not say this was s Catholic terrorist....But I digress, Well, just as I have been predicting.. the right wing is already turning this Fort Hood tragedy into a terrorist attack. Now keep in mind the Army has already said that there is no evidence of terrorism. The shooter was born in America. But remember the facts are still coming and hey if your Rusty Humphery or any other rat toothed rightwing host..hell facts do not matter..let the lying begin. Now remember he has an Islamic name....GUILTY! He is Jordanian..oh hell he is really GUILTY now! Couple this with some allegations of yelling something Arabic(doesn't matter what he is actually saying)as long as its Arabic sounding, we can turn that in to something like....long live Allah(you know something scary like that) while shooting and hell you got yourself a bonafide manufactured terrorist attack
that makes the fascist dogs mouths water. Now watch as they try to tie it to Obama.
Meanwhile the thinking people will wait until the facts come in. Keep in mind that you have military soldiers who kill other soldiers and their families all the time and they are christian...just saying.

The Stupidity Is Starting.

"The joys of diversity...

Islam the Religion of peace...

Hahahahaha now that is funny as hell.

President Obongo: Don't bother me I have to stand in front of my mirror and admire myself."

-A Palinista pretending not to notice he is being full of shit and stupid(as usual)concerning the shooting In Texas. He believes that it was motivated solely by the fact the shooter was a muslim.

Well I am sure he also believes in fairies and elves and aliens from outer space too. Don't you get tired of all these stupid idiots out there making snap decisions having no facts present. Here are some links to some good ole examples of CHRISTIAN TERRORISM.......go to these links and also click on the title to posting. Remember..any accusations the stupid crowd throws on this shooter's religion, just apply the same logic to any christian terrorist who ever shot anybody at work or blown up clinics or killed their families.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Please God and lil baby Jesus Let It Be True!

Well as I predicted on this blog, the moderates are fighting back the stupid neocon right wingers. The 23rd district went to a democrat and that has not happened since the civil war. The Palinistas did a good job by offering their support and then this guy loses BIGTIME...hahahahaha. This was a rejection of neocon politics, their time is up. Now they will spin it by saying it was no bigdeal and they won two governor seats,because independents broke for the GOP (which is true) and this is a referendum on Obama(it's not true)Do they ever take responsibility for their actions???(no its always some liberals fault). So the dems better wake up. But rest assured that their victory means absolutely nothing on the federal level and independents like myself are ephemeral. Congress got another dem in. So to the Fox news watchers please keep up the good work and and keep the hate coming. I can't wait to post your stupid comments.

Sex Addiction?

Don't get me wrong, I am sure a lot of people have a problem with this issue. But come on if you let anything take precedence over the important things in your life and you can't stop engaging in the activity...then anything can be an addiction. Plus what about those who actually enjoys sex a lot? My point being of all the things to be addicted too,drugs, alcohol,religion..etc then this is the least problematic. Now this newscast was obviously for the ratings but Joy Behar had Nicole Narian former playboymate and she talks about being addicted to sex and masturbating constantly.. I felt this was sensationalized tv albeit nice to watch though. Maybe you guys can weigh in on this one but sex addiction to me seems like it can be very relaxing.Plus who is going to kick her out of bed?