Monday, November 16, 2009

Why Sooo Scared????

Is all the Repubs have left is to be scared and to also scare folks? I mean this is stupidity gone wild. They are so sissified over the decision against the 9-11 hijackers being tried in New York. What a bunch of crybabies. They claim the terrorists have the advantage,they will mock the families,New York will be attacked by their other terrorist friends........ Oh please stop the whining I am throwing up already shut the F**k up. First of all we can prosecute them just like we did with the other World Trade Center bombers and McVeigh and the mob and other terrorist foreign and domestic and house them successfully in the Colorado super max where we put the other terrorists..and they are kept safe from harming us too. Guess what I am from Colorado and since we put all those world terrorist in there..there has not been not one terrorist attack on that prison or Colorado. These cowards are just so afraid that they want you to be afraid too.As I posted in more time for the cheap seats....

Professor Anthony has a question. Does anyone in class know how many terrorists we now house in this country?...No takers...Anyone?.... Anyone?......Bueller?....Fry?....

Answer: 355 terrorists in the United States.

Here is the breakdown, we currently house 216 international terrorists in this country and 139 domestic terrorists. They have been incarcerated in American prisons for years with not one problem. The breakdown including,Zacharias Moussaoui(911 planner)Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman (The Blind Sheikh 1st WTC terrorist that Clinton jailed,)Richard Reid(shoe bomber)and the list goes on..Oh ..Oh don't let me forget to mention homegrown right wing domestic terrorists like Eric Rudolph(abortion bomber)Terry Nichols(Oklahoma City Bomber homeboy of Timmy McVeigh)left wing terrorist Ted Kaczynski(Unabomber)and this is just in the state of Colorado. Like I said the list goes on. We house dangerous criminals who have not Manson,Richard Ramirez(the night stalker)Ted Bundy(we killed him later) and let us not forget all of the dangerous organized crime figures we house and mass murderers.
For years in the state of Kansas alone was housed some of the most feared vicious killers known to man before they were shipped to Colorado. Feared killers like Thomas Silverstein and Thomas Little not mentioning the rapists. You also have military personnel who killed their families or other troops in the barracks out there . Not one peep from any of them. Now if they had escaped they could have easily blended in with the population.This irrational fear has to stop. The right wing wants you to be afraid.Lest us also not forget one of the most feared serial killers in the US, Richard(Iceman) Kuklinski was housed safely in Rahway prison until his death a few years ago. We are fully capable of housing these terrorists safely. If it's one thing Americans do well...its prisons! So don't give into this fear and don't let these idiots get to you. They will yell, scream and lie to you. They can only make these stupid claims because most people do not realize who is already in their back yards and these neo cons are just a bunch of dumb asses(plus you can't water board in the US). So bring up that little fun little fact and watch them squirm. Please don't be fooled by the colossal ignorance coming from the right. I mean be honest,if your afraid of swarthy looking people then just say so. But do not act as if we can't handle the terrorists in our jails and prisons because we are so fragile, what a cop out!


Anonymous said...

The problem is not in bringing such people here to the states to stand trail but that they are to be tried in Civilian Court. They are not US citizens and should not be extended such rights. The ‘left’ wants to set precedent so in essence all Rights stated in the Constitution and said Amendments will be afforded to all peoples of the world forcing the US to be the guarantors of such promises. They should have been tired in Military Court. Holder the AA pick is an idiot along with Obongo and his crew.

On July 2 the President announced that the eight accused would stand trial before a military commission composed of seven generals, and they would be charged with violating the eighty-first and eighty-second Articles of War dealing with espionage, sabotage, and conspiracy. Court-appointed lawyers for the defendants made a game effort to move the trial to a civilian court, taking the constitutional issue all the way to the Supreme Court, but the justices backed the legality of a military tribunal. Biddle himself was to prosecute, an unusual move, having a civilian serve as prosecutor in a military proceeding. But FDR was taking no chances. The Army's Judge Advocate General was rusty and had not tried a case for over twenty years. FDR wanted his own man before the bar.

This whole event is going to be a circus run by Obongo the clown.

Anthony said...

Well I disagree. There is nothing wrong with our civilian courts. We have convicted dangerous international terrorists before and we can do it again. Now if George the dumber had done his homework and got the right evidence then it will be no problem for the courts to convict these monsters..would you not agree? Plus I do thing thBiush administration did a poor job on the evidence because remember the last and only guy to be convicted under Bush for 9/11 reasons was the guy who was convicted for being Bin Laden's driver. How stupid.

Anonymous said...

If they walk on technicalities maybe they can stay with you, Anthony.

There is a good chance that they will walk and compromise US security but as a liberal you could care less about US security. You might as well put on a turban and join the defendants you are no different.

Anonymous said...

Future CEOs of dumb:
Notice who they attack...

Anonymous said...

"According to data provided by Traci L. Billingsley, spokeswoman for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, federal facilities on American soil currently house 216 international terrorists and 139 domestic terrorists. Some of these miscreants have been locked up here since the early 1990s. None of them has escaped. At the most secure prisons, nobody has ever escaped, period."

Over at is where anthony changed a few words and in fact he didnt come up with this shit on his own.

BTW Evil Penus!! this is like the fourth time i have busted your ass plagiarizing. In this case you have gotten smart enough to change a few words around.

Please give credit where credit is do. Oh thats right you are the evil penus

Anthony said...

Hey BD no ones including me really gives a damn about you or what you think. Keep the stupidity coming :) :).