Friday, November 06, 2009

The Stupidity Is Starting.

"The joys of diversity...

Islam the Religion of peace...

Hahahahaha now that is funny as hell.

President Obongo: Don't bother me I have to stand in front of my mirror and admire myself."

-A Palinista pretending not to notice he is being full of shit and stupid(as usual)concerning the shooting In Texas. He believes that it was motivated solely by the fact the shooter was a muslim.

Well I am sure he also believes in fairies and elves and aliens from outer space too. Don't you get tired of all these stupid idiots out there making snap decisions having no facts present. Here are some links to some good ole examples of CHRISTIAN TERRORISM.......go to these links and also click on the title to posting. Remember..any accusations the stupid crowd throws on this shooter's religion, just apply the same logic to any christian terrorist who ever shot anybody at work or blown up clinics or killed their families.

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