Monday, November 23, 2009

2012 Farce!

Okay, I loved the movie 2012(hell saw it twice). But what is with these nutcases coming out of the woodwork with this Mayan 2012 doomsday prophecy crap? Look, this is so hilarious that grown people actually are seriously talking about the apocalypse the way its predicted in the movie. It's not going to happen ok, there will not be a big catastrophe on 12-21-2012, its just really a crazy superstition from some nutcases.I actually hear people talking about Nostradamus and other fake soothsayers. The only the thing in the movie that could be true is the super volcano in Yellowstone.(we have seven worldwide and three in the U.S the others being in Europe and Asia). Now when that blows it will decimate most of the western US and possibly affect the global climate all over the globe and it is active but scientists say that its not slated for an eruption for a long long long time even though we are 40,000 years over due for it. All you have to do is check the evidence for yourself. Look if you believe even for a second that there is something to numerology,astrology witchcraft,UFO'S,Mayans,Area 51,Nostradamus or even Edgar Caycee or others.. you need help and have forgotten how to think clearly...Get a life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They stole stuff from When World's Collide...this movie is going to be PUKE PC. I won't go and see it...