I thought this was hilarious.This is a comment from a reader who only knows how to express himself and gets the facts wrong. This shows how desperate these losers are.
"If Bush was still in office and there was any questions of his birth tree hugging douche bag progressives would be demanding he come clean but since their 'chimp' is in office they look the other way.
I mean look at some of Obongo's supporters trying to toss out KFC demons out of black kids. Amazing intellects the lot of them.."
Now if we were to really indulge this pathetic race baiter.We would discover how scared this person really is. I mean think about what he/she wrote here. Any fair minded person who ever criticized Bush was called a traitor and all sorts of things. This idiot knows this. I guess we are supposed to be offended with words like "Chimp" or "KFC". They are really talking about themselves here not us. They cling to the bell curve like scientologists cling to scientology. They are so afraid and frail and weak.People like this will never say it to your face. These are pathetic racist fools. Look at how they acted when Clinton rescued those two americans...they were so upset and depressed. Everytime I get a post like this I smile and laugh because these right wing losers are slowly headed down the downward spiral and I am loving every minute of it.
You can really see how ugly he is when you shine the spotlight on him.
You should quit looking in a mirror Marcus...
So much for tolerance:
How Michelle get into Princeton with her low SAT? Her thesis is full of typos, grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. It contains double negatives and run-on sentences that are 70 words in length. Reading her thesis belies any assertion that she is anything other than average in intelligence. Her thesis indicates that she got into Princeton because of affirmative action. A white male with an SAT of 1520 cannot get into Princeton! If she writes this poorly, how could she have possibly graduated?
The same way Bush got into Yale with all C grades you dummies.
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